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Our THIRD Feeder Cam is Live!
Feeder cam number three is LIVE!
Zach (Head Flocker)
2 days ago2 min read

Lesser Sandhill Crane or Greater Sandhill Crane - The Sandhill Crane Subspecies
Sandhill Cranes can differ greatly in size. The size difference can be incorrectly attributed to age. Learn why the difference occurs, here!
Zach (Head Flocker)
5 days ago6 min read

Funny Bird Names - A List of Weird, Wacky, and Unforgettable Avian Nomenclature
Bird names can be funny, outrageous, and just downright confusing. Come laugh at the silliness of naming our avian friends!
Flocking Around
6 days ago4 min read

Do birds hibernate?
The incredible adaptations of birds to harsh climates are almost endless.
Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 144 min read

Do hummingbirds use birdhouses? - Answers from a computer vs an ornithologist
It is human vs. machine in this challenge of answering, "Do hummingbirds use birdhouses?"
Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 106 min read

Does bird flu make it unsafe to feed wild birds? - A bird flu update (March 2025)
People are worried, and I understand that worry. Let's talk about where the concern should be placed and where we can still feel secure...
Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 74 min read

Second FeederCam is Live!
I am excited to share that we have launched our second live stream from our backyard bird feeders.
Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 41 min read

The best squirrel deterrent - Stop squirrels at bird feeders with this squirrel repellent
Are squirrels cute and cuddly or fierce and fiendish? I will be the judge. (And I already decided the latter.)
Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 37 min read

Birding High Island in southeast Texas
I lived on the Texas coast for two years, and High Island is one of those locations that I will forever yearn for.
Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 35 min read
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