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Zach (Head Flocker)
1 day ago2 min read
Our THIRD Feeder Cam is Live!
Feeder cam number three is LIVE!

Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 74 min read
Does bird flu make it unsafe to feed wild birds? - A bird flu update (March 2025)
People are worried, and I understand that worry. Let's talk about where the concern should be placed and where we can still feel secure...

Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 41 min read
Second FeederCam is Live!
I am excited to share that we have launched our second live stream from our backyard bird feeders.

Zach (Head Flocker)
Mar 37 min read
The best squirrel deterrent - Stop squirrels at bird feeders with this squirrel repellent
Are squirrels cute and cuddly or fierce and fiendish? I will be the judge. (And I already decided the latter.)

Zach (Head Flocker)
Feb 285 min read
How to build a bluebird house
No nestbox or birdhouse is perfect, however, there are researched designs that are typically approved due to a design that promotes safe...

Zach (Head Flocker)
Feb 214 min read
Can birds choke?
This is an answer that can be difficult to find. However, we found research offering some insight into this important question!

Flocking Around
Jan 315 min read
How long can birds survive without water? | Can drought hurt birds?
Water is the liquid key to the door of all life on Earth. We know birds have high water needs, but how long can they survive without water?

Zach (Head Flocker)
Jan 276 min read
How long can birds survive without food?
I wish I could give you a simple answer, but there is nothing easy about survival. Learn why this is such a complex problem.

Flocking Around
Jan 105 min read
What is Nyjer seed (or thistle seed)?
Have you ever had a neighbor complain that your finch feeder introduced thistle into their yard?
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