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How long can birds survive without water? | Can drought hurt birds?
Water is the liquid key to the door of all life on Earth. We know birds have high water needs, but how long can they survive without water?
Flocking Around
Jan 315 min read

How long can birds survive without food?
I wish I could give you a simple answer, but there is nothing easy about survival. Learn why this is such a complex problem.
Zach (Head Flocker)
Jan 276 min read

What is Nyjer seed (or thistle seed)?
Have you ever had a neighbor complain that your finch feeder introduced thistle into their yard?
Flocking Around
Jan 105 min read

Do squirrels eat birds? - Are squirrels omnivores?
We do not need an entire article to answer this question. And you certainly do not want to read 1200 words for the answer.
Zach (Head Flocker)
Jan 64 min read

How to keep a birdbath warm - Heated birdbaths and birdbath heaters!
Frozen birdbaths are a real problem in areas with harsh winters. However, there are simple solutions. How simple? So simple, Zach can do it.
Flocking Around
Nov 18, 20245 min read

How do I attract Blue Jays to my yard?
Great question. And luckily, we have an easy answer for you. Read on friends, fiends, and others...
Zach (Head Flocker)
Sep 30, 20244 min read

How should I store bird food? - Keep birdseed safe from pests
Raccoons, rats, squirrels. These words are foul language if you are a fowl feeder. Learn how to keep your bird food safe from pests!
Zach (Head Flocker)
Sep 23, 20244 min read

How to attract birds to bird feeders - Create a yard to bring in more birds!
The frustration of hanging a bird feeder and receiving less than a passing glance from your local birds can lead to an abandonment of hope.
Zach (Head Flocker)
Aug 2, 20245 min read

The best bird feeders (2024) - Which bird feeder should you buy?
Our bird feeder guide provides the best insight into the bird feeders for several categories of birds!
Zach (Head Flocker)
Jul 29, 202410 min read
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