Colaptes auratus
Suet | Black oil sunflower seed | Birdbath
This large, brown woodpecker can have a yellow or red underside depending on where they are found.
Passerina ciris
Black oil sunflower seed | Nyjer | Birdbath
Whoa! Did you see that? It was blue, green, and red? Oh! It was a Painted Bunting, maybe the most colorful bird in North America!
Haemorhous purpureus
Bright purple and rosy finch of medium size. Can be difficult to distinguish from the Cassin’s Finch. Females lack the purple coloration.
Progne subis
Nest box | Birdbath
This large swallow is bluish-black and quite obvious. Females have more grayish coloration in their underparts.
Sitta canadensis
Black oil sunflower seed | Suet | Nyjer | Nest box | Birdbath
This blue-backed and red-breasted nuthatch is the cutest little feeder visitor.
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Black oil sunflower seed | Suet | Birdbath
With a blood-colored bib, black head, back, and wings, and white underparts, this large-billed bird really pops. Females pop much less.
Archilochus colubris
Nectar | Birdbath
This green hummingbird is the only breeding eastern hummingbird. Males have a deep red gorget and females have a white throat.
Selasphorus rufus
This orange and rufous hummingbird is a ball of fire-coloration. Males have a red-orange gorget that females lack.
Piranga olivacea
Suet | Mealworms | Birdbath
Scarlet and black are the two major colors of this forest dweller. Unless it’s a female. Then yellow and black are the two major colors.
Cyanocitta stelleri
Black oil sunflower seed | Peanut | Milo | Millet | Birdbath
Blue body, black head, tall crest. These three characteristics are the mainstays of the Steller’s Jay.
Piranga rubra
Red. Red. Red. Yes, the Summer Tanager is all red. Even more red than the cardinal? Perhaps. Except the females.
Tachycineta bicolor
This two-toned swallow has a blue-green back and white underparts.
Baeolophus bicolor
This small-crested bird is gray overall with rufousy buff flanks.
Sialia mexicana
Mealworms | Nest box | Birdbath
This bluebird has a blue head, back, wings, tail, and belly. Its breast, shoulder, and flanks are rufous.
Megascops kennicottii
This highly cryptic forest owl is gray with black barring and streaking and distinct ‘horns.’