ANNOUNCEMENT: Join our Flocking Around Feedercam
Updated: Mar 3

Good news, everyone!
Flocking Around, in partnership with the Finch Research Network and AspenSong Birdseed, has started a live stream of some of our backyard bird feeders.
To view the live stream, visit our YouTube page and Subscribe to the channel! Each day of the week has a unique stream, so head over to our Flocking Around Streams and click "Notify Me" on the days you want to tune into our sweet, sweet bird action!
Currently, the feedercam runs from dawn to dusk, though during the summer months, it may run overnight to capture some nocturnal creatures.
Daily Watch Links for our FeederCam
Remember to click "Notify Me" for each camera you want to view. We currently have two streams up, and the final stream is on its way!
FeederCam review articles
As part of this new endeavor, we plan to provide consistent written updates with highlight birds from the day and photos or clips when applicable. See below for such an update.
Behind the feedercam: 02/15/2025
The morning started with visits from a Redpoll and White-breasted Nuthatch (the male we have dubbed Elvis). The Redpoll put on a show for 10 minutes while Black-capped and Mountain Chickadees grabbed seeds and split. The House Finch arrived before 8 am and spent most of the day moving in and out of the live cam view. When the Wild Turkey flock visits, the finches flush out of view. When the turkeys disperse, the finches return and bring some friends.
Today, a Redpoll and a Purple Finch joined the House Finch horde. The House Finch mob was continually dispersed by the pair of Steller's Jays we call Pomp and Circumstance. (Why? The pompadour on their heads is number one. Their arrival at the feeders is also quite an impressive show!) Black-billed Magpies made a couple of passes through the cam but did not stick around for long without peanuts or suet nuggets to tempt them.